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Travel Agency Case Study

Travel Agency Case Study

  • Yusuke Imamura

The Problem

An online travel agency was facing difficulties generating new leads. They tried traditional methods of marketing and advertising such television commercials, print advertisments, and so on. But as an internet company in the digital world, they were not experiencing any significant growth. They wanted fast, targeted, and powerful results without going over their budget. We informed them that in order to solve their problem, they needed to say goodbye to traditional advertisements and hello to Facebook Ads.

The Strategy

The first step of any Facebook Ad campaign is developing a strategy. Your Facebook Ad strategy needs to reflect your business goals. Without a strategy, its very hard to host a successful campaign. The online travel agency in this case study had the specific goals of more page likes and increasing website clicks. We then began to develop a strategy to reach a goal.

Since this travel agency had two goals, we decided to run two ad campaigns. We created one ad campaign focused on page likes and another focused on website clicks. First, we conducted research and created a custom audience based on location, age, gender, language, interests, and behavior. After we chose the target audience, we set the ad budget at the exact price that the travel agency wanted to spend per day so that they would never have to worry about going over budget. Then it was the the fun part: the actual creation of the ads. We wrote headlines and body text, created images, and decided on the placement of the ads.

The target audience, budget, and content was all decided with extensive thought and built around an effective strategy. In order to see results with Facebook Ads, you can’t put in zero effort and just pick whatever. You have to take the strategy seriously and know what you are doing, which is exactly what we did for this online travel agency.

The Refinement

Once the ads we launched, we monitored them for refinement. We saw which ads were performing the best and which were performing the worst. We then optimized based on our observations. From that point, very little editing of the ads was required.

The Results

The Facebook Ads exceeded, and continue to exceed, all of our expectations. The Like campaign that we just launched has already brought in 66 likes. Past Like campaigns have also helped the page get a 333 likes in the past 28 days and more than 16,000 page likes in total. All for less than $1.75 per like!

The most recent website click campaign did just as amazing. It reached over 100,000 people and generated almost 2,500 link clicks for $0.21 per click.

These ads not only helped increase page likes and website clicks, but also helped grow awareness and expand the reach of this online travel agency. Every page like and website click brought a new potential customer to this online travel agency. Without Facebook Ads, these browsers probably would have never found them and possibly would have gone to one of their competitors instead. This online travel agency plans on using Facebook Ads as part of their digital marketing strategy for many months to come.
