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What's a good conversion rate? 7 Tips and tricks to ensure the best results

What's a good conversion rate? 7 Tips and tricks to ensure the best results

  • Yusuke Imamura

7 Quick Tips and Tricks To Enhance Your Conversion Rate

An essential component in your business strategy, which transforms simple visitors into actual customers, is conversion. Your advertising potential can be maximized through conversion rate optimization, making it possible for you to make every cent spent on your PPC (Pay-Per-Click) worth it.

What conversion rate should you be aiming for?

Is your conversion rate as good as it could be? Maybe you are already obtaining conversion rates such as 5% or even 10%, but why not reach for more? Among various types of businesses, a standard conversion rate for landing pages is 2.35%, but the top 25% have a rate of 5.31% or even more. In an ideal situation, you would want to place yourself in the top 10% of companies that benefit from a conversion rate of 11.45% or more across their entire accounts, not just on the landing pages.

After an analysis of thousands of Google Ads (previously named AdWords) accounts, which have a total of $3 billion together in annual expenses, it has been encountered that certain advertisers convert at rates that are two or three times more than the norm. The same analysis of this enormous quantity of information has made it possible for us to recognize some recurrent components of the best converting landing pages. Not much is stopping you from doubling or tripling the rates that you have today, although the methods of obtaining them may be somehow counterproductive to conventional conversion rate optimization.

It is a fact that if you are reading this article, you are looking for your account to achieve substantially more than others in your field, so next, you will get a detailed guide explaining how that is possible.

7 Quick tips and tricks to enhance your conversion rate

Conventional CRO knowledge-why you should think twice before applying it

It might be quite difficult to believe at first that the advice from popular specialists could be wrong, but realistically it is just mostly indefinite and unsubstantial information. Why? The answer lies mostly with the simple fact that it is exactly the advice that all other people are putting into action, hence making it impossible for you to rise above the average and stand out.

As per conventional knowledge, we have been made aware by popular figures in this industry that it is important for us to optimize our website through ways such as modifying the button color, the image, and/or font spacing. Just those few steps have increased the conversion rate of an advertiser by 2 to 7% more.

While this kind of practice, which is really just a basic A/B testing, can certainly be useful, it will not be capable of yielding the kind of results that you are looking for – getting into that top 10%.

It is better to avoid occupying too much of your time with making little changes because the overall impact is just too small for it to matter in the long run. You need to focus on applying well thought out strategies and optimization because it is exactly what will bring a drastic boost to your revenue and overall performance.

Good conversion rates

Aspiring for a high rate is certainly not an unattainable goal. It is essential to try and reach for the stars because only that gives you the possibility of achieving a higher rate than the average. 

Generally, a rate between 2-5% is considered good, but it still leaves you in the same tier where most businesses are.

A conversion rate over 5% would make your performance better than 75% of other advertisers, but of course, there is always room for better when you are striving for more. Ideally, you should make your rates 3x to 5x more than the average, which implies pursuing a rate of 10%, 20%, or even more.

Differences in conversation rates between industries

It is a possibility that the conversion rate in your field is generally lower in comparison to others.

For example, it has been observed that in eCommerce, general conversion rates are lower compared to finance. That is why your industry’s standard is crucial for you as it can help form the best idea regarding your general performance.


7 Foolproof Methods of Increasing the Conversion Rate For Your Landing Page

After an analysis of a thousand different accounts, we were able to identify the most common distinctive features of the top 10% advertiser landing page unicorns out there. In the following paragraph, we will explain what they are and how you can improve your strategy, resulting in the overall increased performance of the account you are looking for.

1. Make alterations to your approach and offer

    As we have previously discussed, setting yourself apart from your competitors is one essential step that will consequently attract more potential customers to your business. All landing pages unicorns observed are using creativity and variety as their primary tool to differentiate themselves from others.

    That is why you need to find something unique rather than sticking to the usual and typical techniques. For example, software companies offer free trials, lawyers offer a free consultation, but these are just very basic uninventive methods.

    So how can you find more creative and compelling ideas? There are many ways of doing it; you should just think of something that represents your company the best and benefits your customers while also demonstrating the quality of your service or product. That is exactly what leaves them wanting more! As a suggestion, you could perhaps develop a free limited alternative, which would certainly raise your page’s conversion rate while also allowing prospects to gain something from your offer.

    How can you tell if your offer is not as good as it could be?

    A tell-tale sign of that would be a stagnant conversion rate at 2%, but without a doubt, one of the best ways of getting feedback is consulting your customers. You can do that by attaching forms that enable you to connect with your clients, giving them the possibility to send any possible inquiries or feedback. So, try to think outside the box and ponder about different approaches you could take and test them out. 

    That is the true recipe for success.

    2. Using Remarketing as an instrument for CRO

      Generally, around 95% of the visitors who enter a website do not end up converting to a lead or sale. This is where Remarketing can step in and help you through techniques such as targeting, suitable messages that can pop up on people’s screen while they partake in other activities such as surfing the web, checking their email, watching videos on YouTube, and browsing different social media.

      3.Trial and Error –the key to finding that one unicorn

      Sure there is always the possibility of getting lucky, but can you guess the essential key in finding your unicorn landing page? Putting the effort in and applying all of the previously listed tactics numerous times while constantly testing them is one of the keys.

      If you want to find your own high-performing ideal landing page, it is crucial that you test pages with various flows, messages, and offers. It all depends on what goal you would like to reach, but you should try from 4 to 10 different alternatives to find your unicorn.

      It is known that the 10% best landing pages receive around 80% of the traffic hence making it essential for you to try and see what works best for your particular targeted audience. It is not necessary to make hundreds or thousands of different versions. You should just focus your time on the top-performing alternatives you have found and stop wasting your time on ones that just do not have the performance you’re looking for. 

      It is a much more intelligent approach if you just invest in one of the pages you consider is doing the best and always remember that quantity does not guarantee quality.

      4. Conversion rates aren’t everything

        Considering that leads cost you money, it’s fundamental to realize that while conversion rates do have their importance, it is not all about them. If you just convert leads that are not qualitative, you’re basically just spending money on nothing.

        So, you should concentrate on optimizing your landing page through ways that we have discussed because that will attract a high number of conversions and more qualified lead generation.

        5. Consider investing your money into a Chatbot feature on your page

          The days when chatbots were simply inefficient are long gone. That is why you should consider adding a live chat feature powered by this kind of bot because it is truly a remarkable instrument for your business.

          The most significant perk of adding it would be the added customer support you will offer because it provides 24/7 assistance. In this way, your customers will be driven to make the best decisions regarding their purchases. 

          As a result, this will increase the level of trust that the customer has in your brand, which is an essential quality that you should hold. Don’t forget that you should put a lot of importance and thought into customer lifetime value if you want your business to be overall profitable. It will always be more expensive to obtain new customers rather than maintaining the ones you already have.

          6. Beware of the language style that you use

            You must realize that your customers often could be driven away if the vocabulary used is too complicated or if the way you address them is also persuasive. Although it could seem like a good idea, in theory, the key to resonating with people is focusing on clarity, coherence, and perhaps even simplicity.

            Paul Graham has once said, “Write as you speak.” So, try to keep in mind that it is more attractive if you simply address your customers like how you would talk to a friend, making them feel an increased sense of trust and closeness with your business.

            7. Focus on making all processes as intuitive and easy as possible

              You should pay attention to creating an effortless experience for your visitors and for everything to flow as smoothly as possible.

              Think about it this way; you want to make it easy enough so that even your grandma could follow through with it. To ensure the best experience possible, you should let your users know what steps they should take throughout the whole experience. At the same time, try not to give too many choices that could drive people away since time is a valuable resource.

              Keep in mind that you should request from your visitors only information that is essential to you. Also, making sure that you don’t create too many fields that have to be filled in, in your sign up form will give people more incentive to follow through with the whole process.

              In conclusion, putting these steps into action will ensure that your conversion rates will rise and that your customers will have the most satisfying experience they could have. Because after all, complete customer satisfaction is what you should be striving for, so do not hesitate to keep trying different alternatives to see what yields the best results for you and your business.
