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Here Is Why Your Ads Are Not Converting

Here Is Why Your Ads Are Not Converting

  • Yusuke Imamura

Like everyone else, your potential clients have had enough of seeing the same ads over and over again.

Repetitive retargeting can be extremely annoying to your potential clients but what's even worse is the effect it inevitably has on your ad conversion.

Having to see the same ads with the same creatives and copy many times over ultimately drives your potential clients into losing interest and just scrolling past your ads. Ads that cannot arouse curiosity make it all too easy for the human brain to ignore leading to ad blindness.

It gets worse for your ads as Facebook, in its duty to present the best experience for its users, cracks down on ad fatigue by taking down ads that have been seen too many times. With that comes the crashing down of your ads performance and need I say less money for you.

At this point, it's easy to play the blame game and throw it all on Mark but the real questions to ask yourself here should be “How do I beat ad fatigue? What's ad fatigue to begin with? If repetitive retargeting is the problem, do I stop using them? If not what’s the most effective way to make use of repetitive retargeting and bring in huge conversion rates?

While there are several possible reasons why your audience is going blind to your ads, the culprit 90% of the time is stale creatives.

TIP: You can use the frequency metric to measure ad fatigue on Facebook. If your key metrics drop without frequency increasing or vice versa, then ad fatigue is not the problem.

In this article, you’ll learn how to deal with ad fatigue and how the industry's finest media buyers maximize their conversion rates using Facebook dynamic ads.

What’s Ad Fatigue?

Ad fatigue occurs when people have grown numb to your ads because they've seen them many times over.

With about 7 million advertisers on Facebook, it's extremely important to grab the attention of your potential clients. Sadly you've got the shortest possible time to achieve this as the estimated attention span of most internet users falls within 1.7 seconds.

We can categorize ad fatigue in three parts;

Announce Icon
Marketing Angle Ad Fatigue: For every ad being dished out, a suitable point of view is important to angle or shape the offer you provide to your potential client. Like other parts of your ad, this is also prone to fatigue.




    Discound Icon
    Offer Ad Fatigue: This refers to how you present your offer on the ad creatives and the copy itself.





      Creative Brain Icom
      Creative Ad Fatigue: Typically, the first thing that attracts a scrolling thumb's attention is the design of your ad. This includes colors, shapes, images, and layers.





        Staying on top of these parts of your ad will save you the troubles associated with ad blindness.

        Keep reading to understand the working results of our years of experiments to increase CRO that will guide you on getting your CTR above 15% and generate impressive ROAS.

        Dealing With Ad Fatigue Using Retargeting Ads

        Making use of retargeting ads is not off the table. So how do you maximize retargeting ads without pissing off your audience?


        It's only natural if people enjoy being given a unique treatment as it's essentially a part of our subconscious.

        Applying this to marketing emphasizes the importance of creating a highly relevant, personalized retargeting experience for each customer that sees your ad.

         With all the crowd online, creating ads that seem to speak directly to your clients is a sure way to stand out.

        Personalization ensures your product offer are shown to the right people and at the right time.

        Dynamic ads and retargeting are highly efficient ways to personalize your buyer's experience.

        It's not just about random people viewing your ads, rather those that will see these ads will be based on information, services, and items they've previously indicated a liking towards.

        Of course, it's way easier selling a fancy boat cruise to a man that has lived all his life in a desert than to a man that lives in a fancy yacht. That's what dynamic ads offer to your business. Bringing your products to those that seemingly have a current need for them.

        TIP: Customize content for each phase of the funnel to give your audience a personalized feel rather than feeling bombarded with generic content.

        Remarketing Adss on Social Media Sites

        Maximizing Your Retargeting DPAs 

        The goal is to give your audience a more personalized experience, ultimately increasing the conversion rate of your ads.

        DPAs give a refreshing, engaging, and relevant feel to your products.

        Facebook's DPAs give room for you to connect your feed and create a template that precisely shows all of your products to users that have at some point visited the product page. The cool part is, that this is shown to them at the right time.

        Since Facebook DPA is one of the highest ROI marketing formats, many marketers are attracted to it as a profitable investment, and therein lies the challenge.

        Facebook offers limited selections to give your DPA a distinctive feature this leaves your ads without any striking difference from that of your competitors.

        Captivating Your Audience Attention With Dynamic Ads

        For your ads to stand out, they need to be engaging and effectively tell your brand's story in precisely 1.7 seconds.

        An effective way of achieving this is the use of visually engaging dynamic product ads. Visual engagement gives a stand-out look from the regular product ads.

        Though the competition to capture clients' attention is at its highest, your creative capabilities and ability to deliver enhanced retargeting are what will make all the difference.

        Statistics show that on average it takes 5 visits to an online store before a potential client has enough trust to make your purchase. This implies you need to continuously engage your clients while making sure you don't send them to ad blindness.

        Custom image templates in dynamic product ads present a way to steer away your ads from fatigue.

        It's time to drop the regular white background ads. Contextual ads are the way to go in beating ad fatigue 

        TIP: You can customize Dynamic ads through creative tools which allow you to show frames, pricing, set fonts, position, and even shipping details over products that appear in a dynamic ad. It's of note though that this takes a lot of time.

        Facebook ads on Mobile

        Ultimately, how your ad looks determines if and how much your customers will interact with it. Using contextual creatives and additional data from your catalog feed guarantees high conversion rates for your ads

        Enhancing Your Ads By Unlocking Your Owned Brand Data

        Establishing yourself as a brand capable of delivering engaging ads will make your ads stand out amidst the many contesting for the buyer's attention.

        You can enhance your retargeting ads by customizing them with dynamic content that you unlock from your brand data:

        • Capitalize on imagery that best correlates with your brand, dynamically adding the brand logo, and price from the product feed
        • Create room to have different designs for different categories or genders
        • Leverage conversion rate by testing different price positions on the ad
        • Make use of additional images from the product catalog
        • Add urgency with Countdown product ads

        In the end, it all boils down to enhancing your retargeting ads to give an engaging feel to your audience.

        Could you use some help with marketing or lead generation?  Sign up for a FREE zero-obligation consultation call and send your conversion rates soaring! Click here
